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Being Polite Sucks Sometimes

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The Amazing Race

The five remaining teams at the Pit Stop, a cathedral in Madagascar, receive a clue instructing them to fly over 6,000 miles to Helsinki, Finland. Though teams are given tickets to travel through Paris, France, all teams opt for a different flight traveling through Johannesburg. Once in Helsinki, teams arrive at a cafe. They log into a product-placed ISP and receive video letters from home, causing some teams to get emotional. They then receive a clue from the cafe owner and travel 125 miles by train and taxi to an area school. Once at the school, they find details for a Detour task --- Swamp This or Swamp That. After completing the Detour, the teams take a train and drive to a mine where they face a Roadblock. Next, some teams expect a Pit Stop after receiving a clue to travel to the Olympic Stadium. At the stadium, they complete a final task, rappelling down the tower. After completing this task, one team is shocked to find a clue telling them to continue racing.

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