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Counting Bears Is Not Rocket Science

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The Amazing Race

The teams continue to Stockholm, Sweden, but not before one is assessed a penalty for events in the previous episode. The teams make their way to an ice bar, where they must slide a shot glass made of ice across a bar and hit a target. The teams then continue to the world's largest Ikea, where they face a Detour. Both tasks seem rather difficult, one called Count requires successfully counting 2,304 objects, while the other called Build requires successful, proper building of a desk. Some initially choose the counting and ditch it for the Desk option. Many who choose the counting fall dangerously behind. A Roadblock involves rolling rough bales of hay to find hidden clues. There are 270 bales of hay and only 20 clues. This proves very exhausting for many teams and the possible downfall of one. After no teams choose to use a Yield, they check into the Pit Stop at Auf Chapman, Stockholm, but one team does not share their fate.

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