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Episode 4: Red and Blue Teams Go to New Heights

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The Biggest Loser

""Red and Blue Teams Go to New Heights"" - Blue Team trainer Bob Harper seems surprised after Aaron's ouster the night before. Things move on at the ranch, and after a workout, the players find a giant mountain of cupcakes in the house, with a note saying that whichever player eats the most cupcakes in 15 minutes would get to eat dinner with a loved one. After deciding on a method where no one would eat too many calories, Dave eats only one cupcake and is able to eat dinner with his wife, Tina. At the challenge, teams are forced to run up 1,500 steps to the top of a huge building. The Blue Team completes it more quickly than the Red Team, and are given a great reward. After a spat between Lisa and Jillian about effort, the weigh-in reveals that the Blue Team had lost more weight than the Red Team, and in the end, the Red Team chooses to send home Matt because of his failure to work with the team.

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