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Tough Love

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The Biggest Loser

It’s halfway through the competition, and the remaining eight players go to singles this week. The contestants face their first temptation in honor of Valentine’s Day, featuring favorite Valentine’s Day treats and the promise of the winner getting a weigh-in-advantage for themselves and a friend. Meanwhile, the trainers continue to motivate the kid participants to stay active and work toward their goals at home. Jillian arranges for Sunny to take a Bollywood dance class, Dolvett motivates Lindsay to attend a cheerleading practice, and Biingo anxiously waits for news from the doctor about whether he’ll be able to start practicing for the youth baseball league tryouts that Bob set up for him. Back at the ranch, one player displays an amazing act of kindness, and another has an emotional, heart to heart talk with a trainer about the circumstances leading to his weight gain. Later, a racing challenge leads to two players winning heartwarming reunions with loved ones, and in this week’s Challenge America segment, Season 11 winner Olivia Ward and her husband share a healthy way that couples can celebrate Valentine’s Day. And finally, the elimination following the weigh-in forces one contestant to make their most difficult choice yet at the ranch. 

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