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Adam Sandler

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The Daily Show

Tonight, Adam Sandler promotes his new movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Jon begins by going to Senior Literary Correspondent John Oliver who's at a local NYC bookstore with a report on the upcoming final Harry Potter book in a segment called "Harry Potter and the Endless Build Up". Jon then reports on the current state of Al Qaeda in a segment called "Return of the Jihad". Bush's rhetoric over the years that the terrorist group has weakened is contradictory to a recent National Intelligence Estimate stating that Al Qaeda is stronger than ever. The Bush administration insists that they were right to invade Iraq because it has weakened the terrorists, yet we need to continue to stay in Iraq because of how strong the terrorists are there. Jon talks with Senior Political Correspondent Aasif Mandvi about this mind boggling contradiction. Finally, Jon reports on the death of the loving Jew hating mouse Farfour from the Hamas run children's show Pioneers of Tomorrow who was killed by an Israeli agent for refusing to turn over Palestinian lands in a segment called "Farfour 2007-2007". Farfour's replacement is his cousin, a giant bee named Nahoul. Jon then shows us the Israeli response in a clip from a Jewish run children's program called Dr. Bagelman's Hour of Hate.

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