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Robert Dallek

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The Daily Show

Tonight, presidential historian and author of Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power, Robert Dallek. Jon begins tonight's show reporting on a story from New Zealand in a segment called "Kiwi the People". The democratically elected government of New Zealand banned the use of any footage from their Parliament for the purpose of satire, ridicule, or denigration. Jon comes to the rescue, taking some footage of their Parliament and spices it up with some political satire and fart jokes. Jon also reports on the suspensions of cyclists in the Tour de France for suspected drug use in a segment called "The Audacity of Dope". Then, Senior Flood Correspondent John Oliver reports from the top of London's Big Ben due to the massive flooding of Great Britain in a segment called "London Flooding". Finally, Jason Jones reports on a lazy Las Vegas man who rents a scooter used for disabled people to move around the city in a segment called "High Rollers".

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