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The President Wore Pearls

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The Simpsons

It's Vegas night at Springfield Elementary, where Martin is school class president, and the event is quite a success. Homer wins big and wants his $200,000; but when he and everyone else find out they aren't going to win any real money, there is a riot and Martin is forced to resign. Lisa runs against Nelson for class president. Lisa struggles to fight against Nelson's popularity, she of course all about the issues, while he isn't. Lisa sings her way into popularity that helps her win the vote. The administration is worried about having a popular president, whom is also smart. They start giving her distractions to keep her from knowing about their plans to remove the music, gym and art programs. Lisa is identified as a sellout, but as her last act as president, she gets all the students to go on strike. After several days, Chalmers wants action and he gets Skinner to transfer Lisa to a school for the gifted and troublesome. While it's Lisa's dream to go there, Homer isn't going to pay for it. Lisa returns to Springfield Elementary, where the programs have been restored thanks to the cancellation of flu shots and the selling of loose cigarettes.
Michael Moore

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