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CBS Innertube

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CBS Innertube

Innertube features a line-up of original series produced expressly for the Internet, as well as new shows that are companions to popular CBS brands. The genres for the original Internet programs ranges from reality to musical performance, from entertainment magazine style to talk format, and from sketch comedy to animation. Innertube will also become a distribution outlet for streaming encore episodes from CBS's prime time line-up and for webcasts of content from CBS Corporation's vast library of 2,600 titles and 100,000 hours of television programming. It will also become an alternative programming option for series broadcast on the Network that didn't reach a mass audience, but have a loyal, passionate following that lends itself to Internet appeal. Innertube will initially stream three shows daily. One new program will be posted on the channel each day, Monday through Friday, making at least five new offerings on the site throughout the week. Programming will be archived and can be accessed at any time with innertube's browse function.

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