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ABC entered new territory several years ago as one of the first to begin offering full length episodes of Desperate Housewives, Lost, and Alias online.

ABC has followed those initial test runs up by showing a multitude of shows via online TV. The TV series Lost, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy will be shown at the day after their broadcast airings as well as other primetime shows. The episodes are completely free of charge but users will come across commercials just as if they viewed it via traditional TV.

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ABC TV Comments, Reviews, and Tweets

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  • 0 props
    I used 2 love it 2, but now they've changed it and i cant figure out how 2 use it. after my commercial plays, the video never comes up. what should i do? Please Help!! Some step-by-step instructions would b great!
  • +1 prop
    WOW!! Fantastic. I just found this site today and love it!
  • 0 props
    i love this site because i love watc video
  • 0 props
    Great idea, but, unfortunately this site will only work if you live in the US.
  • 0 props
    This is by far the best full-episode viewer of all the networks - picture quality is outstanding! Only thing I would change is to add an option to continue to next segment, once ads play, without having to click mouse each time (a sort of play-all feature). Nice job!
  • 0 props
    Just found this--in a word fantastic.
  • 0 props
    very well done, with only minimal (3) commercials per 45min show! =]
  • 0 props
    Are there any ways to watch dh if ur not from the US? I'm enlish n i loevc the show, n i cant get it! :(:(
  • 0 props
    only 1 word excellent ------- but why dont u do that for indian tv and movies also -------extremely huge market , if u can tap
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